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Secure Your Timber Floors: Innovative Protection Solutions for Construction and Renovation Projects

Secure Your Timber Floors: Innovative Protection Solutions for Construction and Renovation Projects

The right protection is crucial when safeguarding timber floors during construction or renovation projects. Each type of timber floor demands specific solutions to keep it pristine throughout the project.

For prefinished engineered timber, a variety of protection options are available for immediate application once the floor is installed.

Protecta Fleece is a quick, one-step solution that stays in place on floors and stairways. It is easy to lay and residue-free upon removal, enhancing worker safety with its anti-slip feature. Water-resistant, it shields the floor from spills. To prevent uneven fading from sunlight, it's advisable to cover the whole floor area for longer protection.

For polished or lacquered timber floors needing to breathe during curing, consider breathable options like Rhino Board or Geotextile fabrics such as Protecta Geo Breathe.

To safeguard very high-end timber floors or when high impact protection is needed, opt for 3mm Protecta Board XTRA. This high-impact board also protects timber from scratches and scuffs with its soft felt underlayer. Lighter than MDF, Protecta Board XTRA is quick to install and reusable.

These solutions offer just a glimpse of the array available to protect timber floors. For personalised project guidance, contact our Project Protection Specialists for in-person, phone or virtual consultations: Book a Specialist