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Why Protecta Banner

Why Protect?

One Small Defect
can become
A Major Problem
For A Multitude Of People

Risk Factors The Protecta Option Risky Options
Budget Protection costs are known and budgeted costs. Repair and rectification costs are unknown and unpredictable.
Time Consumption Protecting your job will help it flow and ensure on time completion and payment. Defects delay job progress and payments could result in penalty rates.
Customer Satisfaction If the customer is happy, the project will go more smoothly. An unhappy customer can make things very difficult for your whole organisation.
Company Name Your company image will be enhanced from start to finish. If your protection looks bad, you can be sure your reputation will follow suit.
Environmental Factor Containing noise, dust and fumes is safe and environmentally responsible. Lack of care for personnel and the environment is unprofessional and irresponsible.
Waste Management Effective containment and dust control means reduced clean up costs.  Uncontained and unprotected jobs can result in significant clean-up costs
Risk Factors Risky Options
Budget Repair and rectification costs are unknown and unpredictable.
Time Consumption Defects delay job progress and payments could result in penalty rates.
Customer Satisfaction An unhappy customer can make things very difficult for your whole organisation.
Company Name If your protection looks bad, you can be sure your reputation will follow suit.
Environmental Factor Lack of care for personnel and the environment is unprofessional and irresponsible.
Waste Management Uncontained and unprotected jobs can result in significant clean-up costs