In our Green Focus, we invest in eco-friendly products and systems to minimise your project's environmental footprint. Protecta prioritises sustainability through recycled materials and waste reduction, as demonstrated in the Enviro Wall® hoarding system.
Watch the Enviro Wall® Closed Loop Recycling video to discover why customers prefer Enviro Wall® and how our manufacturing and recycling process completes the loop.
According to the Waste Hierarchy diagram in the 2018 National Waste Policy, it is preferable to avoid waste. This can be achieved by reusing items on multiple projects.
Our commitment is to provide superior quality products maximising the opportunity for them to be reused on multiple projects. It contributes to financial savings as well as minimising the impact on the environment.

See below a quick reference guide to help you identify products in our range that can be REUSED, RECYCLED or are RECYCLABLE.
Reusable (Most Preferred)
A superior quality product that can be reused to avoid and reduce waste.
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